Water. Check! Next up – Portion Control.

Remember my post last week? How I tried to change my entire lifestyle in one instant? Didn’t work.

So last week, I  made a goal to try to drink 64oz of water everyday. That was my first little baby step towards a healthy lifestyle. I’m really proud that I was able to do it most days. I fell short one or two days this week, but I still drank more water than I previously ever had. The results? I’m down two pounds this week! 🙂 I didn’t do any thing different. Just drank more water. It’s amazing what our bodies will do if we just take care of them.

Since I now have a good routine for drinking water, I am going to add in another baby step this week. I’m going to focus on watching my portions. This is especially important to remember when you sit down to eat Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday! Remember, you should eat to fuel your body. You shouldn’t need to stuff your face. I know that’s the norm with Thanksgiving, but your waistline won’t appreciate it. 🙂 If you stuff your face, don’t be surprised when you gain weight over the holidays. Just sayin’.

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Check out this portion control chart. this will help me. I know that for sure.

Watch your portions. Don’t go back for seconds. That’s what I’m going to do. Lets see if I can loose more than 2 lbs the week of Thanksgiving. 🙂


Thanks for reading.
